
#35. Use Github for Windows behind corporate web proxy

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For some time I wasn't able to connect to Github with the windows official app at work. At work we have a corporate web proxy that filters some content, and after not seeing any option to configure the proxy on the app I gave up.

But the other day I wanted to share a simple project to ping websites, WebsitePinger and I couldn't upload the code, doing a small research I found out that simply to configure GitHub for Windows, you just need to edit the .gitconfig file typically found at C:\Users\.gitconfig or C:\Documents & Settings\.gitconfig and add

proxy = http://yourcompanyproxy.com:8080

proxy = http://yourcompanyproxy.com:8080

I shared this on stackoverflow where a fellow companion was also not able to connect through proxy and seems that he did not find a working answer for him, I shared my resolution as probably someone will have the same problem as mine.

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